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The heart of a solar arrangement is the solar module.We use in our arrangements exclusively high-quality solar modules that have grown extremly conditions and requirements.We offer our customer mono-crystalline and poly-crystalline as well thin layer modules.

High output

SOLON modules achieve the highest possible output on a small surface area-even under diffuse ligh.They are based on cutting-edge cell technology,which makes them highly efficient.We guarantee that SOLON modules will produce at least 80% of their declared minimum output power during their first 25 years of service.Our modules have a power tolerance of +/- 3%


SOLON modules have a service life of over 30 years.Their great stability and high durability is due primarily to their extruded,anodized,twin wall aluminum frame with hollow profile and 4 mm safety glass that offers high reliability even under extreme weather conditions.


The convertor is an important key component for a successful solar arrangements,longevity,dependability and service.We use only the best one like SOLON GERMANY, SMA Sunny and Siemens & Fronius.Who are the leading in this market. We place the control changer on siemens and SMA central apparatus.






Das Herzstück einer Solaranlage ist das Solarmodul.In unsere Anlagen setzen wir ausschließlich hochwertige Solarmodule ein,die den extremen Bedingungen und Anforderungen gewachsen sind.Wir bieten unseren Kunden monokristalline und polykristalline als auch Dünnschichtmodule an.

Wechselrichter sind eine wichtige Schlüsselkomponente für erfolgreiche Solaranlagen.Dabei stellen wir höchste Anforderungen an Robustheit,Langlebigkeit,Service und Zuverlässigkeit.Bei Stringwechselrichter setzen wir auf die Markführer SOLON GERMANY,SMA-Sunny und Siemens & Fronius. Und bei Netzspeisegeräte ebenfalls SMA oder Siemens.